Thursday, May 10, 2007

Fahrenheit 451 - Part 1

I find that the book Fahrenheit 451 is somewhat confusing and difficult to understand, although I have only read the first 30 pages. One thing that confused me at first was on page 24, whenthe Mechanical Hound was being described, "...the brass and the copper and the steel of the faintly trembling beast." The only thing that the author has done to help me comprehend the story is by using similies, for example, "Her face was like a snow-covered island upon which rain might fall, but it felt no rain..." (Page 13). That aspect of the book helps me comprehend and visualize how the story is.


Miller said...

Zachary: I think you'll find numerous similes and metaphors in the novel to describe things. Keep an eye out for them and stop to think why Bradbury would choose to write it that way. How does it help extend your understanding of what he's trying to get across?

As for the mechanical hound, remember he's describing what he thinks the future will be like and has made up a technological invention. With this in mind, in what way is the hound a symbol in the story?

melissa's english10 bolg said...

I agree that the book is a little diffcult to understand and hard to read. but if you get past that it is a great book with a deep meaning about how the world could be if people are easly offended and dont think for themselves